Real Health and Wellness Tips
By Sara Butler
There are a ton of health and wellness tips out there. The problem is that not all of them work or are actually even something attainable. However, there are a few basic things that nearly everyone can agree on that will help you stay healthy and happy. Here are a few health and wellness tips that work, according to science!
Tip No. 1: Don't Drink Calories
Liquid calories are a no-no, but not for the reason you may think. When you drink liquid calories from sugar, such as a can of soda, your brain doesn't register it the same way it does a solid food. That's why when you drink calories you often end up eating more calories at the end of the day.
And it's not simply soda that's bad for you -- any drink, even juice, that has a lot of sugar is just as bad for you.
Tip No. 2: Go Nuts for Nuts
You should be eating nuts.
That's because nuts are really good for you. They're full of fiber, Vitamin E, magnesium, and a ton of other nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Studies have found over the years time and again that eating nuts help you to maintain a healthy weight and can help you fight against chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes.
Tip No. 3: Avoid Highly-Processed Foods
Highly-processed junk food is one of the reasons people are sicker than ever before. These foods have been designed to hit your brain right in its reward center, which makes it easy to go overboard on these types of foods. They also happen to be full of empty calories while being low in protein, fiber, and other nutrients your body needs. Plus they're high in refined grains and added sugars.
Tip No. 4: Go for Fatty Fish
Fish is good for you, that's not in dispute. But some fish are healthier than others!
Fatty fish, such as salmon, are loaded up with omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients that are incredibly healthy for you. Some studies have even found that eating fatty fish lowers your risk for certain types of diseases such as depression, heart disease, and dementia.
Follow these tips and you'll be on the road to better health and wellness in no time!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Jacksonville, Fla.