Climbing Rocks Can Boost Your Workouts
By Tom Herrin
If you feel like you are stuck with your progress for exercise, you may want to reevaluate what you are doing. A good and structured routine of exercise can work really well for some, but many tend to burn out on this kind of exercise and lose interest. In these cases, what began as good intentions may go bust. In many cases, people will then return to a sedentary pattern of behavior only to lose all of the progress they just made. It does not have to be quite this way as there are all kinds of things you can do that have higher levels of interest and are more challenging.
Try Rollerblading
What we considered to be skating when we were young barely resembles what is available today. I used to struggle with skating because the skates were so bulky and difficult to use. I could only stay up for short periods of time. Today's rollerblades are lightweight and much easier to use. They seem to be very versatile and relatively inexpensive. If you decide to try this, you will get some exercise without really feeling that you are working all that hard, and it may truly make you feel young again.
Swim for It
Many of us probably think of swimming as a summer activity only. As kids, we couldn't wait until the weather was good and the pools were open. As a way of supporting good health, swimming can be a great activity. Indoor pools are available all around. Swimming is great for those who are recovering from injuries or surgeries since the water supports body weight so well. It seems there are many people who swim for exercise on a regular basis well into their older years.
Rock Climbing Can Be a Blast
When I refer to rock climbing, don't confuse it with mountain climbing. Rock climbing is a much tamer activity that may be available at many parks and recreation areas. The equipment needed can often be rented, and lessons are available. You will have to get yourself in decent condition to do it, but it is not that difficult. You will need good shoes, and probably gloves. The rest is more basic than you may think. Once you get into it, you will find yourself looking for new places to climb, and you will get a good workout using your entire body.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Melbourne, Fla.