Remaining Safe Throughout the Summer
By Brandi Goodman
UV Safety Month in July encourages people to practice safety in the sun. You should never head outside without a care when considering the sun's harmful UV rays. They will penetrate the skin and cause severe and long-lasting damage if you aren't careful. The summer brings other dangers as well, and each needs equal attention to ensure you remain safe and well throughout the entire season.
Wear Sunscreen Outside
This rule doesn't only apply to extra sunny days. You should wear sunscreen anytime you're outside. Even without the sun in sight, its rays can still penetrate through the clouds and cause damage to your skin.
Wear Hats and Sunglasses
Sunscreen doesn't protect the eyes. To do this, you should wear sunglasses and hats that will help to prevent the sun's harmful rays from scarring your retinas. If you wear regular glasses, you can even add a tint-change feature that adds protection when you're outdoors.
Stay Shaded
The shade of a tree, awning, or umbrella can offer significant protection from the sun. It is also ideal if the day is extremely hot and you need to get out of the heat for a while. Take a break in the shade and drink some water so you don't get overheated. Heat stroke is very possible in the summer.
Choose Sun-Protective Clothes for Swimming
A bikini may seem like a great idea on a hot day, but it's not ideal for the skin. The sun's rays will definitely harm all exposed areas. Sun-protective clothing meant for swimming is best to wear. It is usually lightweight and breathable yet keeps more of your body covered. It also offers technology that prevents the sun's UV rays from piercing through. While you're thinking about swimming, also be sure to swim with someone instead of being alone and absolutely prevent kids from getting in by themselves.
Drink Lots of Water
Just as the shade helps to keep yourself from getting overheated, so does water. Be sure to drink lots of it throughout the day so you can keep your body hydrated and feeling well. You can get dehydrated quickly in the sun, especially if you're sweating out the water your body does have. Replenish it often so it does not become a problem.
Practice safety all summer long if you want to maintain your skin's appearance, avoid dangers, and keep yourself overall healthy and well. There are far too many things that can cause a problem for you that should be avoided. You want to spend your summer enjoying yourself and not feeling sick, sore, or worse.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in St. Petersburg, Fla.