School Breakfast Choices Made Healthy
By Brandi Goodman
School Breakfast Week is observed in early March. Many schools are touting a healthy breakfast program with plenty of nutritious options for your kids. Despite this fact, lots of sugar-filled options and high-calorie meals are still being offered. Teach your kids the importance of choosing the actual healthy school breakfasts so they can start their days right.
Look for Whole-Grain Options
Whole grain or whole wheat should be listed on your package if it's going to be a nutritious enough option. Whole-grain pancakes, for example, are superior to the sugar-packed version made with white flour. Tell your kids to be sure they're receiving a whole-grain food so they can get the fiber and protein they need from the meal.
Drink Water
Schools often offer miniature cartons of milk and cups of fruit juice to drink. Some even provide one of each on a student's tray. You typically don't need the extra calories from these beverages. Encourage your kids to drink water instead and forgo the calorie-packed options on their plates. Water is also beneficial for waking up the organs, boosting energy, and keeping the brain functioning well -- making it the best choice for a breakfast drink.
Eat the Fruit
Some sort of fruit is typically offered with a breakfast meal at school. Encourage your students to eat the fruit, whether they usually like to or not. You're supposed to get at least four servings of fruit each day. Starting out the morning with a vitamin-packed food on their tray can help your kids meet this goal.
Ask for a Menu
Many schools provide a menu each month depicting what food offerings will be available. If you don't receive this for breakfast, be sure to ask. Having an advanced menu can help parents go over the breakfast selections and ensure their children understand which options are healthy choices. If there is something listed that you don't want your child to have, then you can be sure to pack a breakfast from home that day.
Score big with school breakfast. This new motto for the annual observance week encourages kids to choose a school-offered breakfast each day that can fuel their bodies. As long as you choose the healthy options that are beneficial for your brain, then it's perfectly acceptable to eat a school breakfast in the morning to keep yourself satisfied.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in St. Petersburg, Fla.