Protecting Yourself From the Sun is Essential
By Tom Herrin
Southerners are well known for a lot of things. A slower lifestyle is one, slower talking has always been another. But enjoying more sunlight than much of the country is a big one. Most places in the south can provide opportunities for people to spend hours on end outside in the sunlight. It almost seems without limit. It is a pretty good deal most of the time. With all that said, the term "most of the time" can be a hot potato. The down sides of excessive sunlight can be a negative impact on health in such a way that can get out of hand in a hurry without intervention.
Make Sunscreen Part of Life
Many people who have spent the majority of their lives in the sun stay constantly conditioned to some of its effects. They may go for years without any problems, then suddenly issues appear and their life may be turned upside down as they try to deal with it. Skin cancer seems to be much more common and happens to much younger people. Using sunscreen is one of the best ways to protect skin from those UV rays. It is easy to use and relatively inexpensive. It should be used anytime of the year in the midday hours.
Choose the Right Clothing
There are all kinds clothing available. Wearing some that can provide protection for the arms and other parts of the body may help deter problems. Dark colors, though they seem hot, is believed to help filter UV rays more effectively. Just knowing what to wear and when to wear it may be a tremendous protection. People really need to make decisions based on planning what is best for them, their family, and their situation.
Become a Hat Person
When I was younger, I wouldn’t have been seen in a hat. I just didn’t care for them. There are a lot more varieties on the market today with much better fit. Something with a reasonably wide brim all the way around can protect and shade the face and neck. My personal favorites are Panama hats, but sometimes I wear what I refer to as a farmer’s hat. I want something that is cool and comfortable. Find one that works for you, and make it a part of your everyday attire.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Atlanta, Ga.