Helpful Tips for Winter Fitness
By Donna Stark
When the weather outside is frightful, the last thing on your mind may be your daily workout. However, the benefits of sticking to your fitness routine, no matter how difficult it may seem, are worth every calorie and gram of fat burned! If your excuses to not work out are starting to surpass your reasons to exercise, take a look at the following suggestions from your local chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic. They are sure to get you back on track!
Timing Is Important
With less daylight to take advantage of, chances are your outdoor workouts could be on the decline. Fortunately, there are other options to choose from. If exercising in the dark doesn't appeal to you, try to fit your workout during the day, perhaps over your lunch break? Or, consider joining your local gym or neighborhood boot camp. Remember, it won't stay dark for long.
Wear Appropriate Clothing
Even when the weather is gloomy, there are still some benefits to be had by exercising outdoors. You can burn more calories, you will get an extra dose of Vitamin D, and your mood may be improved. But before you head outdoors, you have to make sure you are dressed properly. Pull out your weatherproof shoes and make sure the traction is still good, wear reflective or brightly colored clothing to combat the gray skies, and dress in layers. Your body will warm up after just a few minutes of movement, so dress wisely.
Fight Isolation
Inviting a friend or two to join your workouts is a great way to bring accountability into the picture, but that's not all it will do! It's also a good way to fight the winter blues and any isolation if you struggle with seasonal affective disorder.
Get Your Rest
Too tired to work out? One of the most common justifications to skip exercise is fatigue. Getting the recommended amount of rest each night is critical for any type of fitness routine, and fortunately, it's an easy fix if you struggle to do so. Follow a consistent sleep routine, keep your room dark, quiet, and cool, turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before bed, and let your body relax!
Helpful Tips for Winter Fitness
When it comes to staying physically active during the winter, there are many things to consider. But with the tips above, you will have a great place to start. And if you would like more tips on how to maximize your workouts, just head on in to see your local chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Loganville, Ga.