Mental Health: Are You Ready for Fall?
By Genevieve Cunningham
Toward the end of summer, time starts to go by incredibly quickly. We go from sunbathing at the beach to getting ready for school in the blink of an eye. And because it goes so quickly, so many things get left off of the to-do list. Unfortunately, the most common thing that we leave off is ourselves. We ignore our own needs -- our health, our happiness -- and instead rush around trying to get everything under the sun accomplished. But this rush-rush-rush approach is so bad for our mental health. And now is one of the most important times to keep your mental health in check! Before fall fully rolls in, take a look at these tips for protecting your mental health starting right now.
Why You Should Be Prepared
Change is coming - The fall brings so much change. The weather. School. An influx of activities and germs. Change can be hard, and it's one of the most trying times for our overall mental wellness.
Hello holidays - The beginning of fall means that the holidays are just around the corner. And the holidays are stressful! Get on top of your mental health now before the season is upon us.
The nights get longer - Darkness is hard on mental health. We need the sun in order to keep our moods up. And at this time of year, the nights get longer, meaning mental health needs an additional checkup.
How to Get Prepared
Get active - The more active and involved you are, the easier it is on your mental health. Get involved at school, in the community, at work, wherever you can! Activity keeps you from feeling so anxious, knocks away boredom, and provides people to spend your time with.
Schedule self-care - Self-care takes a hit at this time of year because we're all short on time. Make sure that you keep self-care habits in your schedule, and you're more likely to keep your mental health intact.
Speak with a professional - If you need professional help, reach out. Find someone to talk to. This is a good idea at any time of the year. If you need help, get it no matter what else is happening in your life.
Now is always the right time to take care of your mental health. But if you've been avoiding the issue, make fall the time to make changes. Use these tips to get moving in the right direction, and you'll be headed toward better mental health in no time at all.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Marietta, Ga.