Healthy Fall Habits
By Donna Stark
Fall doesn't only bring a colorful change in scenery and children dressed up in costumes at your front door, it also brings a change in weather ... and some of that weather is drab, dreary, and downright dismal, isn't it? And if you aren't careful, this season of change can quickly lead to illness. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to remain healthy enough so you can enjoy both the good days and those cute little kids begging for candy at your door. Take a look.
Get Plenty of Rest
Sleep is the time your body uses to rest, recover, and repair itself from the day it just had. It is imperative that you get quality sleep every night if you want to improve your overall wellness, particularly when the cold and flu season starts. If you struggle with sleep, don't ignore the problem. Take the necessary steps to create a calming environment and if the problem continues, see your primary care doctor or local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic for help as soon as you can.
Load up on Good Nutrition
You got your fill of healthy salads and fresh produce during the hot summer months, but that doesn't mean you should toss your nutritional intake in the back of your car. It needs to stay by your side throughout your entire journey through life, so make sure your meals are still filled with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and heart-healthy fats. And if you think you need more nutrition, ask your doctor about supplements.
Drink Water Regularly
Your body mostly consists of water and if you want to keep it functioning well, you need to replenish that water regularly! Most people don't realize they are going through life chronically dehydrated, and if you aren't drinking the recommended amount of water, you could be too! Always keep a water bottle next to you and refill it regularly. Don't like water? Add some flavor to it by infusing fruits and vegetables.
Enjoy the Sunny Days
The days are getting shorter and as a result, many people don't spend enough time in the sun. Why is the sun important? Well, we can get Vitamin D from it and Vitamin D is critical for bone, brain, and immune system health. Try to take advantage of those sunny days by heading outdoors as much as you can.
Staying Healthy During Fall
Since the weather is changing, you may need to change some of your habits if you want to stay healthy, and getting plenty of rest, nutrition, water, and sunshine will help you get there! So start improving your health today and get ready to enjoy all the fun that fall can bring!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Pooler, Ga.