What Happens When You Get Too Much Sleep?
By Sara Butler
You may be under the impression that you can never get enough sleep. While many people are constantly operating on too little sleep, you can get too much of a good thing. If you overdose your snooze sessions, then it can cost your health. Here's what you need to know to stay healthy as you work to find the Sandman's sweet spot.
Increased Risk of Heart Disease
Believe it or not, too much sleep is detrimental to your heart health. According to the National Sleep Foundation, your body needs around eight hours of sleep each night to function well. If you get more than that, then it may be a sign that something is impacting the quality of your sleep at night.
Sleep apnea, for example, can disturb your sleep and leave you feeling as if you didn't get any sleep at all. Sleep apnea puts you at a higher risk for heart issues, so if you're waking up feeling tired or you're sleeping excessive amounts of time, then it's best to get it checked out.
It Can Lead to Obesity
Maintaining a healthy body weight is very important to your health and wellness. An increase in the amount you sleep is linked to risk factors such as weight gain. Spending more time in bed means you spend less time moving your body and burning calories, putting you at a higher risk for obesity. So, make sure to get exercise to ensure your health as well as help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. It might help you sleep better too.
Higher Risk of Diabetes
Diabetes happens to be more common among people who are considered "long sleepers," meaning they don't feel rested with the eight or so hours of sleep per night that most people are. Some studies have found that too much (or too little) sleep can cause your blood glucose levels to rise, regardless of your activity level. There's still a lot to understand about how sleep can impact your health, but it's important to know that the amount of sleep you get is linked to this health outcome.
Sleeping too much can also lead to headaches. Think about it: Have you ever woken up after a marathon sleeping session feeling groggy, headache-y, and foggy in the head, almost as if you're hungover? This is a side effect of sleeping too much.
Researchers have hypothesized that the neurotransmitters in your brain from a long sleep session can trigger headaches, or that you may be suffering from dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, or low blood sugar. Just another reason why sleeping in really isn't all it's cracked up to be!
Sleep is good for you, but you must channel your inner Goldilocks. You have to get just the right amount to support your health and continued wellness!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Snellville, Ga.