Add Winter Radishes to Your Winter Menu
By Brandi Swieter
Winter radishes, also known as the daikon radish, are not as popular as they should be. The root vegetable packs a of nutrition that is beneficial to health. People everywhere should add eating more winter radishes to their New Year's resolutions if they want to experience better health overall in the year to come.
A Pleasant Taste
The first thing to mention is the taste of this radish. It is not the same as red radishes commonly seen here. Instead, it has a more pleasant taste similar to that of an Asian pear. Winter radishes are incredibly popular in Asian countries and used widely in dishes. They can be consumed raw or cooked into meals.
Full of Fiber
Fiber, which aids digestion and keeps people feeling full for longer intervals, is plentiful in daikon radishes. Some of the enzymes within it are also helpful for digestion.
Low in Calories
One radish contains only 61 calories. The daikon doesn't come in a small, round shape like most red radishes seen. They are white in appearance and elongated, almost looking like a carrot. The larger size with still such limited calories makes it a worthwhile snack. The vegetable can also be diced up and added to salads and soups without worry of the extra calorie count.
Lots of Vitamin C
A typical seven-inch long daikon offers 74.4 milligrams of Vitamin C. This is a significant amount toward the recommended daily value. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to fight off bad cells and cleanse the body. It boosts immunity and prevents illness. Getting enough Vitamin C in the diet is necessary for optimal health, and these radishes offer a hefty dose.
Pouring Out Potassium
If you thought the Vitamin C content in a winter radish was plentiful, you'll be flabbergasted at the amount of potassium. Just one daikon provides 767 milligrams of potassium. The mineral is responsible for cleansing the blood and keeping blood pressure in check. It helps keep the negative effects of salt to a minimum.
Cancer-Fighting Capabilities
Just as there is Vitamin C working as an antioxidant to fight cancerous cells, radishes also contain phytonutrients that do this job. All cruciferous vegetables have cancer-fighting capabilities. A cousin to broccoli, daikon radishes can keep the body healthy just as well.
Numerous benefits arise from eating winter radishes. Add them to your winter menu and watch as your health changes for the better.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Avon, Ind.