Reflecting on Your Cell Phone Habits
By Brandi Goodman
Cell Phone Courtesy Month encourages you to take a look at just how much you're using your device. Many of your cell phone habits may be unwise if you're on your phone too frequently, developing pain in your neck and shoulders, or spending time on your phone when you should be spending time with friends and family. Reflect on your cell phone habits this month and make some changes for the better.
Do You Look Down at Your Device?
If you're frequently looking down at your device, with your neck tilted for extended intervals, you're going to regret it soon enough. Your neck and shoulders will undoubtedly start to hurt in this position. Use it frequently and you could even start to develop a hunch in the area. You should always keep your head up and look at your phone at eye level to prevent neck problems.
Are You on the Phone When You're With Friends?
Quality time spent with friends and family should not involve phone use. If you're sitting on your phone instead of talking with those around you, it can come off as rude, standoffish, and make people think the phone is more important than them. When you're with others, do your best to stay off the device and actually engage in conversation. Your social life can have an impact on your mental health.
Are You on Your Phone at All Hours?
There are so many things to do throughout each day. If you're spending hours upon hours looking at your phone, you're wasting the precious time you have to explore nature, spend time with family, hang out with friends, try a new activity, read a book, and so many other activities bot physical and otherwise. Try to limit how many hours per day you're using your phone and even scheduling phone time into your day so you aren't on it whenever you feel like it. It will encourage you to make time for other things that are more beneficial for your brain and body.
Your health and well-being can be greatly impacted by frequent phone use. Reflect on your cell phone habits now and make some changes so you can improve your health. You don't want to develop a dependency on your phone, pain in your neck that leads to headaches, and worse. Put the phone down and enjoy some quality time with the people you love.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Indianapolis, Ind.