Unhealthy Eating Triggers You Should Avoid
By Genevieve Cunningham
Even if you eat a healthy diet every day, there are going to be moments when you slip. Everyone has a few unhealthy eating habits that slip through the cracks. Maybe you give in and have a soda. Maybe you eat dessert for a few nights in a row. Maybe you totally binge on the pizza. As long as these habits are kept at a minimum, you can keep yourself healthy. But when these unhealthy habits start becoming the norm, your weight, overall health, and self-confidence begin to suffer. So what can you do? If you're anxious to keep your healthy eating under control, take a look at these unhealthy eating triggers to avoid as much as you can.
Emotional Distress
Many people use food to cope with emotional distress. A breakup, losing a job, moving cities. All of these can trigger emotional eating and stress. While we can't always avoid these situations, we have to know how to handle them. We have to learn coping mechanisms such as deep breathing, meditation, exercise, or anything that helps us deal with the emotional discomfort without eating. If you don't have any techniques, do your research, learn some, and you can avoid these unnecessary binges.
Excessive Stress
Sometimes it's not emotional -- it's just stress. It's too much work to do, too many bills to pay, and too many kids calling your name. This can also lead to overeating. Of course, you can't always avoid stress either. But just like with your emotional distress, you can learn how to manage it. Use the same techniques to keep your stress under control, and you can avoid the extra weight that often comes with excess stress.
Lack of Preparation
If you're not prepared, you're so much more likely to eat bad foods. Do you know what you're having for dinner? If not, you're more likely to swing through the drive-thru. Are you planned for lunch? If not, you're more likely to go out and spend money and calories at the same time. If you want to avoid eating binges, you have to prepare. Plan your food, and you can avoid grabbing a last-second bite that's bad for your health.
Unhealthy eating is going to happen from time to time. It's OK to enjoy yourself! But if you're in danger of making these part of your normal life, you might need some help. Use these tips to keep the unhealthy eating triggers out of your life, and you may be able to keep your diet and health right on track.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lafayette, La.