Keep the Water Flowing for Good Health
By Tom Herrin
There are always a few basics that everyone needs in order to have the best of health. Diet, exercise, and rest are all critical. The right foods can help people to achieve the right kind of balance. The one thing that all people must have is water, and plenty of it. It is the most essential of all elements. If people get the least bit depleted of their water supply, they risk serious problems with their health, and many times, they have no idea of the problem until it is too late. How many people suffer from such issues and are suddenly stricken?
Water Can Help People to Reach Their Potential
When people are involved in some vigorous physical activity, they will likely lose quite a bit of water. In some cases, the may lose as much as up to 10 percent of their body's water weight. This can affect the body temperature and cause serious weakness. Even a water loss of as little as 2 percent can have a noticeable effect. On the other hand, when people maintain a proper supply of water, they may expect to be able to reach their full potential for physical performance. The main thing is to replenish regularly.
It May Help Treat or Prevent Kidney Stones
Many people suffer from kidney stones. They are known to be extremely painful and debilitating. When people suffer from them, they may be unable to function in carrying out their ordinary, everyday activities. Drinking plenty of water may help to keep the material that forms those stones flushed from the urinary tract. Even people who have stones themselves may be able to push those out by having lots of water. It can be a great practice for people to do throughout the day.
It May Help in Weight Management
All weight loss programs seem to have some kind of secret ingredient. Water can be a key for any of us to succeed in losing weight, but it is no secret. When we drink an adequate amount of water, we are less likely to feel hungry. It is pretty well known that when we are hungry, many times we are simply in need of more water. Adding more water should always be the first priority when we are trying to lose weight. I try to drink a full glass first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Making a point to drink more throughout the day can help to meet that desired level.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Las Vegas, Nev.