5 Ways to Lose Weight the Healthy Way
By Alexis Mills
No matter where you are in your health and wellness journey, whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 50 pounds, there are some solid tips to help you get there. There are so many different plans, programs, diets and exercises to get you to a healthy weight. All the options out there are overwhelming! Don't worry, take deep breaths and start small with what seem realistic for you and they will eventually turn into habits that will get you to a sustainable health. These steps are more than losing weight, they get you to feel and be your best.
Stay Hydrated
This is such a simple thing to do to fuel your body and slim down. It fills your stomach between meals, making you less hungry and capable of eating smaller portions. Being hydrated also gives you energy to do your daily tasks and speeds up your metabolism. The amount each person should drink in a day is different, pay attention to your urine color to indicate if you are properly hydrated, the darker the color the more dehydrated you are.
Eat Slowly & Mindfully
Slow it down and no matter how starving you feel, don't start shoveling food into your mouth. It sounds obvious, but by eating your food slower you are giving your body time to digest and communicate to your brain that you are full. When you are thinking about getting seconds, wait 10 minutes and see if you still are hungry.
Get Active
Start burning off some calories you are consuming and get your metabolism moving! Start running, using the elliptical, or taking daily walks. Whatever it is, go at your own pace and work your way up to what feels right for your body. Then when you are comfortable, use endurance, strength, balance and flexibility exercises to reach optimal shape and to develop an active lifestyle.
Eliminate High Sugar and Highly Processed Food
This plays into eating mindfully and being aware of what foods you are putting into your body are how they affect your health. Swap high sugar and processed foods for vegetables, fruits, meats and fish to keep your body full of foods that are lower in calories and are fresh.
Get in a Healthy Mindset
Arguably, this is the most important step here because if you are not in the right mindset when trying to lose weight, it is likely to not stick. Get into the mindset that you are doing this for your best self and to get your health under control. This isn't just about how you look in a bathing suit, but how your body functions on a daily basis.
You might notice that most of these don't have to do with giving you a strict diet or exercise plan because the simplicity and straightforwardness of these tips will take you further than you might think. The truth is that people who are overweight and need to lose weight for health purposes mostly know what they need to get there, they just need to do it. Don't be one of those people who knows there's a way to get healthier but choose to hurt your health and body instead.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Reno, Nev.