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Fill to the Line for Health

By Tom Herrin

In the drier areas of the west, water is a premium.  In older times, it was not uncommon to have people fight range wars over the rights for the use of water.  It was, and still is in some places, the most valuable resource there is.  Its usefulness hasn't really changed any.  It is just that people tend to take it for granted.  This may be due to the fact that it is so available in so many places.  It may also be because there are so many options in the way of beverages.  Either way, water is still a great thing to have and can do many good things for health.

It Plays a Role in Brain Function and Energy

Apparently even a minor dehydration can impair some mental operation.  A study of young women indicated that losing just over 1 percent of their body fluid after exercise could have a noticeable effect on mood and concentration.  It also seemed to contribute to headaches for some.  Most people are likely aware of the levels of fatigue that may come with loss of water, though they may not have actually made the connection.  A study of young men showed increased anxiety and problems with memory as well when they were that same small percentage short.

It May Help With Digestive Issues

Many people experience difficulties with digestion.  There is no doubt that what they eat plays a part.  Other things such as exercise, or lack of it, can be factors.  For many, an insufficient intake of water may lead to difficulties with digestion and general regularity.  Drinking more water may make quite a difference here.  It may be surprising just how fast a response the body can have once they begin drinking more water.

It May Be an Easy Thing to Help Manage Weight

For those of us who struggle with our weight, drinking more water can make a world of difference.  Some of us feel hungry when we are actually thirsty.  Try drinking a couple of glasses or more of water when you are feeling hungry.  This may satisfy some of that hunger.  It also may be filling enough so that you may feel topped off when you eat a small meal after doing this.  While I like water and usually drink quite a bit, I still make myself drink more on a daily basis.  I always try to drink a full glass before I go to bed and again as soon as I get up in the morning.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Sparks, Nev.

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