5 Ways to Boost Your Brain Health
By Brandi Goodman
June is deemed Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month. This month encourages people to learn more about brain health and ways to improve it. By sharing stories and encouraging others to do so as well, more and more people will be inspired to focus on their health and find ways to make improvements.
Improve Your Eating Habits
The foods you eat can have an impact on your mind. Eat processed foods and sugar and you'll find yourself feeling sluggish, tired, and unmotivated. Eat fruits and vegetables, especially those with lots of antioxidant power, and you're more likely to feel energized and alert. Berries, walnuts, dark chocolate, sweet potatoes, artichokes, and spinach are some of the foods with the best antioxidant abilities.
Increase Your Exercise
Your brain needs oxygen, and getting enough exercise can help it get just that. Physical activity increases your blood flow which also enhances the amount of glucose and oxygen sent to your brain for optimal function. Increase the amount of exercise you get each day and make sure you're moving regularly to help your brain health.
Use Your Mind Often
Sitting in front of the TV all day won't do much for your mind. Your brain needs to be stimulated and challenged if it's going to continue to be useful. Try puzzles, reading, and games that make you think and get your brain working.
Set a Sleep Routine
Getting enough sleep each night is also important when it comes to the health of your mind and your overall well-being. If you find it difficult to drift off, try setting a sleep routine. Close the curtains, turn off anything that makes noise, put some lavender essential oil in a diffuser, and try to fall asleep at the same time each night. It may take a few tries, but soon enough your new routine should be able to help you sleep most nights.
Avoid Cigarettes and Alcohol
Both cigarettes and alcohol can be harmful to the brain. The toxins released by these substances will inhibit your memory, cause discomfort, and weaken other areas of your body that will take a major toll. Avoid them if you want to keep your brain as healthy as possible.
Wear purple throughout the month of June to show your support for the cause. Follow these methods for boosting brain health to show support for yourself. Anyone can develop brain conditions, memory problems, or Alzheimer's as they age. Finding ways to prevent it from happening is key.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Apex, N.C.