Using Sweeteners May Be a Matter of Taste
By Tom Herrin
The history of sweeteners is longer than many of us may think. As efforts were made to try to make life better for those with diabetes, a lot of different things were tried. Obviously the development of insulin that could be used was the biggest life-changer. After that, there was quite a bit of effort to develop a workable artificial sweetener. The first successful one was developed in the late nineteenth century. It is hard to imagine that it was actually good. Saccharine was used for a number of years and was considered to be the best available substitute for sugar. My grandmother used it when I was young. I tried it, and it was pretty bad. A lot of progress has been made in the past 30 or 40 years, and several good substitutes are now on the market.
Sweeteners Make Life Better for Diabetics
Most of us enjoy some kind of sweet foods or drinks. It adds a little more to life. For diabetics artificial sweeteners may be the difference between managing health and succumbing to illness. Those who are committed to living a healthier life know the value of controlling their intake. For diabetics, this means avoiding foods that can wreck health and put them at risk of serious issues. These are who sweeteners are made for.
Maybe We Diet
Without a doubt, a lot of us seek things that are sugar-free in hopes that we will be able to lose pounds, or keep them off. It may be a mixed bag as to whether or not sugar substitutes can really deliver. They are not bad, but self-control is still important. If we rely on sweeteners alone to make a difference, we may be let down. Some studies have shown that artificial sweeteners may increase appetite. Some simply pose some various risks for those who use them.
Sugar Is Not All Bad
For those who exercise a little self-control, sugar may be just fine. The problem is, more often, that we may not know when to stop. Eating those sweet foods or drinking sweet drinks should be mixed with good judgment. A treat is one thing while constant snacking may be a killer. It is all a matter of how we deal with it. For a diabetic, those sweeteners are important. For the rest of us, better self-discipline can work with a little sugar.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Mentor, Ohio.