Bring the Fun Back to Your Workout: Here's How
By Brandi Goodman
After a while of following the same fitness routine, you may feel bored and burnt out. This can make it so that some people give up on exercise altogether since they aren't seeing further results. Bring the fun back to your workout so you can enjoy the exercise you're getting. It will make it so you're more likely to continue.
Turn on the Music
Whether you're actually trying to work out or just burning calories doing regular tasks, turning on the music will help to boost your mood. You'll be motivated to do more if you're jamming out to your favorite tunes. During workouts, while you're cleaning, or finishing household chores or yard work, be sure to have the music going so you make it more fun.
Play a Game
Make a game out of your workout and you'll have more fun doing it. Game systems, such as the Wii, are ideal for this because you can play games while being interactive. You're using your body and standing rather than just sitting down and using a basic game controller. Dancing games and other interactive options are also good to try.
Be a Kid Again
As a child you probably had recess at school and got to swing, jump rope, kick a ball around, or play on the playground. Be a kid again and do all of these things. They burn a lot more calories than you'd think. hula hoop, play hopscotch, or jump on the trampoline and enjoy your exercise.
Try a Unique Class
Many group classes are held at local gyms. Skip the basic options like cycling and yoga and go for something more unique. Plenty of options exist that can give you the enjoyment you desire. Gold's Gym in Anderson offers a Tabata class as well as Strong 30, which provides you 30 minutes of high intensity exercise. Another gym in Anderson, 10 Star Fitness, offers Zumba Toning that uses dance to tone and strengthen the body. Another option, Triple Blast, focuses on cardio, core, and weights.
Fun should be at the front of your mind when you think of fitness. You don't want it to be a word you dread. Try to bring the fun back to your workout so you can enjoy your exercise. Stay away from the set routines and try new things to really get you into it.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Anderson, S.C.