3 Reasons to Reconsider Your Nightly Wine
By Genevieve Cunningham
There's something so good about a glass of wine at night. For many, it's the perfect addition to a wind-down routine. It helps lower stress and makes you sleepy. It's the perfect choice, right? But what if that one glass of wine was doing more harm than good? What if it was actually bad for your health? If you're interested in living the healthiest life possible, take a look at these three reasons why it might be a good idea to reconsider the wine in your nightly routine.
Calories Before Bed
You've heard it before: Don't eat a lot of calories before bedtime. But this applies to drinks as well. If you have a glass of wine every night, you're filling your body with calories -- and (gasp!) carbs -- just before you get in the bed for a long night's sleep. This might not be good for your weight, especially if you're trying to lose any amount of body fat.
Poor Sleep
Alcohol makes you sleepy, right? It's why so many really enjoy that glass of wine. It makes their eyes heavy, and falling asleep is a cinch. But research suggests that alcohol actually lowers the quality of your sleep. You may fall asleep quickly, but then toss and turn. Or wake up a million times. Or simply not get into that deep sleep cycle that your body so desperately needs. If you need help going to sleep, it's best to reach for other coping techniques that are healthier for your body long-term.
Bad Habits
The thing about nightly wine is that it becomes a habit -- almost an addiction. You have to have it in order to sleep or in order to lower your stress. While this might not seem like the worst habit to have (and it's not), who really needs another addiction in their lives? If you're OK with having a bit of a dependence on your nightly glass, great. But if you'd rather stay away from questionable habits, it might be time to try a different kind of drink instead.
The debate over wine has gone back and forth for years. We'll probably never quite know the truth behind its health risks. If you really enjoy this nightly ritual, just ask your doctor for advice. If they give you the green light, go ahead with it. But if it's causing harm to your health, reconsider other ways to wind down at night. A little wine is probably OK, but do your research, listen to your body, and put your health first at all costs.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Charleston, S.C.