Stay on Top of Your Foot Health
By Brandi Goodman
National Foot Health Awareness Month takes place in April. Many people may not think much about their feet until they're hurting. Prevention can play a significant role in ensuring the feet remain free from pain and problems. Make sure you stay on top of your foot health for improved well-being overall.
Buy the Right Shoes at the Right Time of Day
Your feet tend to swell as the day goes on. For this reason, it's imperative that you purchase shoes later in the afternoon as opposed to the morning. You'll be able to pick out the right pair that is actually comfortable for your feet whether they're at this more swollen size or a little smaller when the day starts. You don't want to feel squeezed into a pair of shoes and experience pain because of it.
Don't Wear Heels Higher Than Two Inches
Wearing heels regularly is not recommended. They can be damaging to your feet. If you do choose to wear them, be sure to find a pair that are no more than two inches high. This will at least limit the amount of stress placed on your feet at the time.
Wear Orthopedic Socks
Special socks can make major improvements when it comes to the health of your feet. Orthopedic socks or compression stockings work wonders if you have constant foot or leg pain. They ensure the blood can still circulate freely while some socks cut off circulation. These health-conscious socks even contain moisture-wicking technology that prevents sweat from causing a problem, such as foot odor or athlete's foot. With extra cushioning in the heel, you'll feel much more comfortable walking throughout the day.
Wash and Dry Your Feet
It may seem like this goes without saying, but some people don't wash their feet as often as they should. Or perhaps they wash their feet yet do not make sure they're fully dry before putting them in socks or shoes. Feet need to be washed regularly to help prevent poor foot health. Keeping them dry also ensures that bacteria cannot grow from the wetness left behind.
If you try these preventive methods and still experience foot health issues, you may need to see a podiatrist. Before you do, however, you can also visit The Joint Chiropractic for a consultation. Sometimes joint restrictions can cause disruption to our bodies in other ways. Some basic foot or leg pain could be caused by a subluxation. Get an adjustment and see how you feel before taking the next step in your recovery.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Rock Hill, S.C.