The Core Is the Center of Your Universe
By Stephen R. Farris
There are many things on this earth that have a core, including the earth itself. Pineapples, apples, pears and baseballs have cores, though the latter is not fruit related. Even mathematics has a core, but we won't dive into that subject. Nuclear reactors, animals, and of course, humans have cores.
By definition in every dictionary, a core is defined as the innermost of center of just about anything.
The core is indeed the center of our universe. Without a strong, healthy core our bodies would fall into disarray. It's essential to all living beings to maintain a healthy core, especially the ones inside those nuclear reactors.
As it concerns humans, there are at least three benefits to having a healthy core.
For balance and stability - A balanced and stable core helps keep the joints and muscle groups working in unison; a good exercise regime can help, along with healthy eating
Eliminating back pain - A healthy, strong core keeps other joints and muscles from taking the brunt of the load
Good posture - A strong core enables good posture, which is essential to good oxygen intake, breathing deeply, and for helping folks who work in conditions in which they sit the majority of their workday.
The Everyday Advantage
Maintaining a healthy core helps us do everyday tasks such as lifting boxes or baskets of laundry, moving furniture or pushing a tote. Strong hips allow us to maneuver horizontally or twist around when needed.
Not only is a strong, healthy core needed by the working person, but also for those individuals who are athletically inclined. Ballet dancers, gymnasts, swimmers, and stick and ball athletes all need to keep their cores strong in order to perform at a higher level of competition. If they had weak cores, how else would they be able to make those spin moves, leap and twist in the air, or perform those incredible dives in the pool?
A good way to check if your core is healthy and properly aligned would be to visit a chiropractor, especially if you are experiencing pain in your lower back and hip area. Chiropractors can determine if treatment is right for you in order to keep your core strong.
They may even recommend exercises that you can do to strengthen your core, along with providing nutritional advice so you'll eat better and maintain weight control that might otherwise lead to an out of balance core.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Taylors, S.C.