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Rules of the Road When You Hit a Few Bumps

By Sandy Schroeder

Most of us have learned little bits of wisdom about people and life that work for us when the going gets tough. Here are a few more that might add to your storehouse.

Find a little bit of laughter every day - When you have struggled all day and not gotten to where you needed to go, it's amazing what a good laugh can do. Call a funny friend, or watch a favorite old movie and let the laughter out. You may find your head clearing, and your perspective improving. When we lighten up, everything just gets better.

Remember your friends - It's easy to feel alone when issues land on you. Everywhere you look there's something to be done. That's the time to pause for a moment and confide in a friend that you trust.  Talk it through and listen to what they have to say. If they can help, they will, and they may have just the advice you need. You will also benefit from just having a listener who is on your side.

Reach out to help someone - No matter how busy you are, there is always a little time to give others a hand. When I do this, it helps me see just how lucky I am and I regain my perspective.

Think and think some more - When we get overloaded with issues, our thinking can get muddled, and we just want to find the nearest exit. That's the time to intersperse quiet thinking with little breaks. Take a short walk or just sit quietly after dinner and let your mind regroup. When I do this, my brain responds and I get clearer answers and new ideas.

Gather up all of the facts - When real issues show up, it's human nature to seek quick solutions, but it often pays to step back and do a little more research. The real solutions may not be immediately apparent. Make a list of key questions and answers, and then go back and make a second list with more questions and more answers. When I do this, I usually find the real answer lurking in the added research.

Assemble an advice group - A dear friend of mine who was pretty smart, put together a group of friends and business acquaintances that were proven assets. They could be trusted to tell him the truth and give him the best possible advice. When a new question came up, he always ran it by his advice group first.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Mt. Juliet, Tenn.

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