3 Small Goals to Set for Better Health
By Genevieve Cunningham
Do you set goals? Most people set a few goals on a semi-regular basis. You might set a goal to get a promotion. You might set a goal to save a certain amount of money. You might even set a goal just to make it through the day! Goals are good, and they help us move forward in life. But for some of us, goals get tricky when it comes to health. We tend to set them too lofty, and as a result, we give up before we reach success. If you want to get serious about your health, take a look at these three small goals that can help you get moving in the right direction.
A Diet Goal
When you set a diet goal, it needs to be something that you can maintain. Don't attempt to immediately cut out all junk food. That's too big! Instead, make a goal to drink one soda per day for a week. Or make a goal to skip dessert every day for a week. The smaller the diet goal, the better. As you master one goal, you can add another or a bigger one. But mastering small goals gives you a taste of success and gives you a little motivation to keep going.
A Fitness Goal
When it comes to fitness goals, the sky's the limit. What do you want to try? Choose whatever sounds good and give it a try! Too scared to try Zumba or yoga? Make it a goal and give it a try just once. Or make a different kind of goal. Set a goal to lift five pounds heavier in a month. Set a goal to run a mile 30 seconds faster. Again, keep it small and attainable so that you won't get discouraged in the process.
A Mental Goal
Don't forget that the biggest obstacle to anything is mental. Set a mental goal that makes you feel strong and capable. Maybe you want to take 30 minutes of time for self-care every day. Do it! Maybe you want to finally see a therapist. Go! Or maybe you just want to be mentally tough enough to make it through a class without stopping. It doesn't matter what it is. Set a goal that works for you, and work tirelessly to meet it.
Setting goals will definitely work. And honestly, it's the small goals that work the best. Set a goal in each of these categories, work hard to achieve it, and you'll see your health improve like never before.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Nashville, Tenn.