Here's How Your Phone is Killing You
By Genevieve Cunningham
We all love our phones. If you don't believe this statement, all you have to do is walk into any waiting room in the entire United States. You'll quickly find that almost every person has their phone in hand, their eyes staring at the screen. The problem is that this addiction to such accessible technology is completely ruining our health. And the ramifications are much bigger than we originally imagined. If you are guilty of spending too much time focused on that little screen in your hand, take a look at how your phone may be completely killing your health.
It's Hurting Your Neck
Tech posture is bad posture. Though it's possible to use your technology without slouching or slumping your shoulders forward, it's much more common to see poor posture associated with excessive technology use. While this may not seem like a big deal, it's actually contributing to a sensation known as tech neck. Doctors and chiropractors are beginning to see a curvature of the upper spine. Doctors are warning of excessive use of computers and phones due to this phenomenon. If you've noticed an increase in neck or back pain, and often use technology, you've probably found your culprit.
It's Straining Your Eyes
Screens are not good for the eyes. This includes phones, computers, televisions, and any other kind of screen in our lives. Our eyes have to strain to continually watch the rapid motion on the screen. And the lighting of the screen doesn't help either. Many people find that excessive technology use leads to headaches and eventually the need for glasses. If your eyes are suffering, it's possible that it's due to constant use of screens.
It's Harming Your Mental Health
Humans were not meant to be solitary creatures. When we consume ourselves with nothing but our phones, we're truly isolating ourselves from those around us. Even if you're communicating with others through your technological device, it still creates a sense of loneliness and isolation. The only real cure to this is to limit your technology use. You have to be willing to interact with those who are physically around you. As you lessen the amount of time on your phone and increase the amount of time speaking face-to-face with others, you may find that your mental health takes a serious turn for the better.
Phones are certainly not all bad. Actually they can be extremely beneficial. They're good for instant communication and non-stop information. But if we don't use them wisely, then they will inevitably lead to poor health. Make sure that you are managing your phone time, and you may be able to keep your physical and mental well-being in a better state from here on out.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Arlington, Tex.