Chiropractic Relieves Musculoskeletal Cancer Pain
By Chris Brown
Of all cancer's devastating effects on the body, one of the most disheartening to sufferers may be chronic physical pain. Chronic pain can quickly demoralize patients whose energy should be focused on healing and recovery. Mainstream medicine's focus rests on destroying the cancerous cells, sometimes at the expense of the patient's mental well-being. Chronic pain is primarily treated with pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals, however, can be addictive or cause numerous unwanted side effects. With the large amount of other daily pills, cancer patients sometimes do not want to subject themselves to further medication.
While it can't cure cancer itself, chiropractic manipulation can help relieve the pain of cancer-related musculoskeletal pain.
The Musculoskeletal Pain of Cancer Patients
One of the most common symptoms of cancer is widespread musculoskeletal pain. Many cancers, like lung cancer for instance, can even present initially as musculoskeletal pain. And, as early diagnosis is essential for successful treatment, evaluations of musculoskeletal pain at the chiropractor or primary care office can and has led to many lifesaving diagnoses. Because of the hesitancy of cancer patients to incorporate even further medical care into their battles, a study has shown a slightly lower prevalence of cancer patients seeking chiropractors than non-cancer patients. However, evidence has shown that treating musculoskeletal pain with chiropractic can be an effective, affordable, and medication-free solution to this common pain of cancer.
Chiropractic Success at Treating Cancer's Body Pains
In addition to chiropractic's benefits of improving brain-body nervous system communication (which can aid the effectiveness of some cancer treatments), it is well-known for its ability to reduce musculoskeletal pain and improve related mobility. Musculoskeletal pain relief boosts many other aspects related to quality of life such as sleep, energy levels, and mental acuity. Because of this, chiropractic's musculoskeletal improvements can have a domino effect upon a patient's psychological well-being. This good headspace is so important when battling a disease as devastating as cancer.
If you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer and is suffering from musculoskeletal pain, a visit to The Joint Chiropractic could be a life and diagnosis changing decision. With The Joint's affordable rates, spinal manipulation is a cost-effective, pain-relieving addition to regular cancer treatments. The Joint does not accept appointments, but instead is conveniently open to all walk-in patients during their extended hours. So drop by The Joint today to experience the difference of chiropractic care.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Arlington, Tex.