Transmitters in the Brain May Benefit From Exercise
By Tom Herrin
Most of the time, people probably think of exercise as a way to get into better physical condition. It is that for sure. The benefits don't stop there. The notion about getting the most out of exercise applies to anyone and everyone. Apparently exercise can also do some good things for the brain, and it is not just to keep it healthy. It can actually help to affect the way the brain works. People may be able to do some wise planning with their physical activity and see results in the way the brain works.
Exercise May Improve the Hookup
The brain works on the basis of a communication system that acts according to impulses. The neurons play a big role in this. It seems that exercise can help to create new neurons. This means that this communication system may become more efficient as a result of the exercise. Some of this may also play a part in memory as well. This may be a pretty good incentive for anyone to get on with their program.
Less Stress May Preserve the Brain
Many people suffer from anxiety and stress. It is all too common as people find themselves too busy with too few opportunities to relax. When they exercise, they are able to reduce some of this stress. Without realizing it, they may be able to maintain better thinking. It is known that those who have increased levels of stress may have a greater chance of developing dementia, which is certainly a growing concern for many people in this country today. As with all things, prevention is always the best cure for anything. Developing good exercise habits may be a big favor.
Try to Plan Ahead
We can all be better off when we plan and think. Being aware of all of the ways to boost our total health is good for any of us. I try my best, especially when I know that mental functions may be helped. I want to do all I can to remain sharp and able to think clearly. If I can do this while exercising, it is that much better. It gives me a little more incentive to get up and hit the trail, treadmill, or gym. A few more minutes spent each day may be all it takes.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Austin, Tex.