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Chiropractic Can Help Those Who Constantly Stand

By Paul Rothbart

Aches and pains often come from being in motion. Athletes can hurt after a tough game, people who workout may ache after a hard training session, and any kind of physical labor can bring on the pain. You expect it in those kinds of situations, and it tends to get worse as you age. Pain can also come from very little movement and exertion. Standing for long periods of time can tire you out as well as cause problems that result in pain. Restaurant workers such as servers, bartenders, and hosts are on their feet all day. So are beat cops, cashiers, and desk clerks. Let's not forget teachers who perform an important and difficult job mostly on their feet. 

Negative Effects of Standing Too Long

Research has found that standing for just five hours a day can cause lower body fatigue and musculoskeletal problems that can result in back and joint pain. Considering that a full-time job lasts at least eight hours daily, it's clear that people who work while standing are at risk. A study conducted with 14 men and 12 women, half of whom were aged 18-30 and the other half 50-65, found that a simulated five-hour factory shift, with two five-minute breaks and a half-hour for lunch, resulted in all the participants experiencing muscle fatigue and/or strain. None of the subjects had any previous history of musculoskeletal disorder.

Ways to Minimize the Problem

Clearly, the best way to avoid problems caused by standing is to not stand as long. This isn't completely feasible if your job is performed on your feet but you can take frequent breaks, at least every two hours, where you can sit for five minutes. Moving around periodically rather than just standing in one place can also help as can walking in place. One of the most important things that any chronic stander can do is stretch before beginning any portion of a shift. Muscles that are loose and limber perform better.

See a Chiropractor

When it comes to back and joint pain, a chiropractor may be an excellent option. The strain of standing can cause problems in your lower joints and back as well as tighten the muscles. Chiropractic care is all about finding the problems through an exam and then making adjustments to correct them. This can relieve your pain, as well as help, prevent the problems from recurring. If you spend your days on your feet, regular chiropractic visits may be very helpful.

It's hard on the body to spend hours on your feet, but some jobs require it. If you stand for a living, consider a visit to The Joint Chiropractic. You don't need an appointment. Find out how seeing a chiropractor can help you reduce your pain and allow you to keep working.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Fort Worth, Tex.

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