6 Secrets to Becoming More Productive
By Sandy Schroeder
If you have ever envied someone for their productivity, you may still be looking for the best secrets to working faster and better.
Forbes touched on this recently and supplied a few of their key secrets.
Zero in on the minutes - The truly successful worker knows every minute counts. Too often we ignore small chunks of time as being insignificant, but really every single minute either counts for you or against your productivity. When you make use of every single minute you may become a lot more productive. No timeouts to cruise the internet, or swap jokes with co-workers, just straight ahead effort. The best workers start working the minute they sit down, and power right through the whole day.
Take one thing at a time - Ultra-productive people do not waste time multi-tasking. They start working on the most important project first in the morning, and keep knocking off individual items all day long. Successful leaders say they work for about two hours on a key project, stop for lunch, and then hit it again in the afternoon. When a project gets your complete attention, it often comes together a lot faster, and better.
Skip the to-do lists - Most of us cling to our to-do list, but seldom get the whole list done. According to Forbes, highly successful people put everything on their calendar and power through it day-by-day. Scan your calendar in the morning and start with the most important projects and meetings. At the end of the day, see where you are and add any unfinished business to the next day.
Know what works best for you - I have watched a lot of successful people work, and they all have their techniques and preferences that work for them. Figure out what works best for you and then stick to it. Don't get sidetracked with long phone calls, or endless meetings and put the most emphasis on your most productive time. If you are an early bird or a night owl, work the hours that produce the most for you.
Move unimportant tasks to the end of the day - Never let the endless details take up the key parts of your day. Use the last hour of the day to de-clutter your desk and wrap up any scheduling or other administrative tasks.
Stay healthy to give it your all - We all know we work better when we are in great shape. Make sure you can do your best work by getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and leaving time for daily exercise.
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