Load Up on Water For Good Health
By Tom Herrin
There are not too many things today that have no cost, especially if they are something that is recommended for good health. It seems as if most of those carry a pretty good price tag. The good news is that one of the best things anyone can do for their health is virtually free. That is, if the cost is nothing new and one of the least expensive things to purchase. Of course, this is water. It is an essential component for anyone who wants to enjoy good health, but far too many people fail to take advantage of the opportunity to drink it as they should. It may do much more than most realize.
It Is Important to Physical Performance
While most know they have to have water, few recognize just how significant it is in the whole scheme of things. It is well known that people need to replace fluids lost during activity. Just how critical that water is to actual performance is often unnoticed. The body is much like an automobile, it has to be properly cooled in order for it to work its best. Apparently some people can have obvious physical signs when they have lost as little as 2 percent of their body's water. Athletes may lose as much as 10 percent of their water in a day of working out. This may cause confusion, change in body temperature, and increased fatigue. Making a point of taking in more water can help to offset this.
It May Help to Avoid Urinary Tract Issues
A lot of people suffer from problems with kidneys, bladder, etc. There is no doubt that some of this is due to genetic problems, but many are related to poor nutrition. A large number of these cases may be related to a lack of a sufficient intake of water. For those prone to kidney stones, it may help to keep material washed out of the system that may otherwise later become stones. For those who already have stones, it may help to flush the small ones out. Anyone who has suffered from some of these kidney stones knows how painful they can be. If drinking more water can help to avoid this, it is well worth it.
It Is a Great Help With Weight Loss
Many times, when people feel hungry, they are actually only thirsty. They may continue to eat to stop the hunger, but this only adds calories. When we drink more water, it is likely that we will feel less hungry. Drinking a good amount before meals may help us to avoid overeating. It can also help to dilute some things in our system. I try to drink a lot of water before I go to bed at night and again when I get up in the morning. This is at the advice of a neurologist who suggested it to keep blood thinner and circulating better as I get older. Unlike alcohol, the more water we drink, the better it is for us.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Red Oak, Tex.