How You Can Start Eating Healthy Today
By Sara Butler
People are definitely creatures of habit. You go to the store the same day each week, you buy the same kinds of foods to prepare, and you can always count on Tuesday to be taco night. It’s comforting to know what to expect even if the food you’re eating is the most exciting thing in the world. But that’s exactly why changing your eating habits to be healthier can be such a scary experience. Here are some tips you can use to make healthy eating a habit.
It’s About Small Changes
You don’t have to do an overhaul of your eating habits all at once. In fact, small changes you can make gradually are the best strategy because they’ll be changes you’re more likely to keep. Remember, it takes about one month for something to become a habit, so give yourself time and start slow.
Take a week or so to look at what your eating habits currently are. Keep a diary and track all the food you eat or drink, no matter how small it was. This can help you identify small changes you can make to start eating healthier.
Be Realistic
If you think cauliflower was created by the devil, then vowing to eat more of it in an attempt to be healthy is a great way to set yourself up for failure. Remember, you don’t have to be something that you’re not! There are many other ways to sneak healthier foods into your diet. Start with healthy foods you like in a variety of colors so you can make sure to get enough nutrients.
Tips for Transition
One of the keys to healthy eating is making swaps for foods you eat now for foods that are healthier. Some good substitutions to try include:
- Mustard instead of mayonnaise
- Whole wheat bread instead of white
- Chicken or turkey instead of beef
- Baking, broiling, or grilling instead of frying
- Water, or water with fruit added, instead of soda
- A piece of fruit in place of fruit juice
- Skim milk instead of whole milk
Another place you can have a big impact on your eating habits is portion size. Many people will clean their plate. If you’re one of them, then simply put your food on smaller plates that hold less. You can feel like you’re eating more than you actually are!
Eating healthy is easier than you think -- just take your time to transition to a healthier you!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Rowlett, Tex.