What Does Your Workout Do for You?
By Sandy Schroeder
Ever wonder what your workout is really doing for you? Well, if you are doing it right, it may do these three things:
- Reverse stress
- Make your day better
- Lift a depressed mood
Harvard Health cited these benefits, along with others, in a recent summary of what we get out of our fitness routines. I am not sure I score on each one every day, but I think I average at least two out of three. Ask yourself how it works for you.
Are You Letting Go of Stress?
When you jump on the treadmill or go for that morning run, do you come back more relaxed? Researchers say exercise reverses stress’s toll on the aging process, and helps us avoid dwelling on stressful thoughts by altering blood flow in the brain.
Does Exercise Help Make Your Day
Researchers say sustained sweat-inducing exercise three times a week actually works about as well as antidepressants. If I miss that morning run everything else seems a little flat.
Does a High Intensity Run Pay Off?
Researchers say the “runner’s high” can be real if you are in the high intensity mode. Bike, swim or run as fast as you can for 30 to 40 seconds. Drop back to a slow pace and then sprint again. Repeat four times.
How Chiropractic Can Help
As you evaluate your fitness, chiropractic may be another natural step to support your workouts. Stop by The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you and find out how their wellness clinics work.
The Joint’s doctors of chiropractic can help you evaluate your workout, monitor your progress, and provide ongoing strategies. A gentle targeted spinal adjustment may ease everyday aches and pains, help you sleep better, feel more alert, or increase energy.
Weekly 15-minute spinal adjustments may be the best way to stay up to speed. Ask yourself if your workout needs upgrading, then ask your chiropractor for some guidelines.
Want to develop a better schedule? - If your workouts sometimes get lost in the shuffle, you may need to find the most comfortable spot for them in your schedule. When you find it, your routine may just happen automatically.
Not getting the results you need? - If you are sticking to workouts, but not seeing a lot of results, you may have to look closer. You may need more challenging routines, or a different pace? Your chiropractor can help you rethink things.
Getting bored with most of it? - Exercise grooves are good, but sometimes they need a good shake. Think about some of the sports you love, or look around your community for local teams.
When you are ready to get started, stop by The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you. No appointments are needed and weekend and evening hours are available.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in San Antonio, Tex.