Red Foods for a Healthy Heart
By Donna Stark
Candy hearts, paper hearts, chocolate hearts, and heart balloons are literally everywhere you look right now! And more than likely, you can't go a day without seeing that famous Valentine-red color somewhere in front of you. But it shouldn't only take that one special day in February to have the subject of hearts on your mind. You should be thinking of your own heart every day of the year! And with the right diet filled with the right types of food, it is easy to do so.
Red Foods for a Healthy Heart
Those holiday hearts come and go with each passing year, but your own heart is here to stay, so you have to take care of it. Heart disease has been a major problem in our country for many years now but with a healthy diet, you can reduce your risk of it occurring. One of the easiest and most delicious ways to do so is to add some red to your meals! Here are some of the top red powerhouses you should include in your daily meals.
- Red bell peppers - You may always end up reaching for the green, but red bell peppers are the ones to buy! Red peppers contain antioxidants that you can't find in green ones. They can help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and the risk of heart disease.
- Beets - You may not have liked them when you were young, but the benefits that beets provide to your heart far outweigh those bad childhood memories. Beets are packed with nutrients and help to promote healthy inflammation levels and blood pressure.
- Tomatoes - A tomato a day keeps the heart doctor away? It can! Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene which can help reduce the risk of heart disease, decrease inflammation, and maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
- Berries - When you think about red foods, you simply can't forget about berries! Berries are one of the sweetest ways to lower cholesterol, fight inflammation, and improve the function of your arteries. Grab a variety of berries at the store and add to them every one of your meals!
Bringing the Color Red to Your Heart-Healthy Lifestyle
Clearly, hearts and the color red are going to be filling your days for the first few weeks of the month, but just make sure it doesn't stop there. Continue to incorporate red foods into your diet throughout the entire year so you can achieve optimal cardiovascular health!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Richmond, Va.