Fix Your Alignment With Chiropractic Care
By Donna Stark
Bad roads and careless driving can be your car's worst enemy, and although you can avoid the latter by modifying your behavior, it can sometimes be impossible to avoid those streets that are in desperate need of a makeover. Pot holes the size of a sandbox, construction crews that detour you onto the shoulder, or dirt roads that have yet to be paved are a few of the main reasons why your car's tires may fall out of alignment. For some, it's obvious when that happens because the signs of a misalignment will start popping up, but for others? Well, they keep driving until permanent damage is finally inflicted upon their car.
Now imagine your body is a car and the poorly maintained roads are your life. How many bumps and bruises have you sustained while "driving" through the years? And would you recognize the signs of a misalignment in your spine? If you aren't sure you would, a visit to your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic is a must!
Signs You Don't Want to Miss
We all know that if we don't take our car in to fix a misalignment that more damage can occur. Well, the same can be said for your spine. Many people don't even give their spine's alignment a second thought, but did you know that in addition to causing pain and discomfort, a misaligned spine can also lead to significant health problems? Unfortunately, most people don't even recognize when the spine is out of position because the process often occurs gradually, but there are signs to look for! Check them out below.
- You suffer from pain - Whether it's back and joint pain or discomfort from headaches and migraines, pain is one of the top indicators of a spine that is out of alignment.
- Your shoes are unevenly worn - You don't need new shoes, you need an adjustment! If your spine is not aligned properly, your hips won't be either, and that can lead to uneven pressure in your steps.
- Your range of motion is limited - If your neck is stiff, if you can't turn your head without pain, or if the mobility in your hips is limited, you may need an adjustment. Don't make the mistake of thinking these issues are normal!
- You are constantly sick - Stop blaming everyone around you for making you sick! As a result of placing the spine in its proper position, both your nervous and immune systems can be significantly improved.
- You are tingling - Joint restrictions in the spine can lead to compressed or irritated nerves, which can cause tingling in your extremities. Get rid of those pins and needles by seeing your local chiropractor!
Follow the Signs to Chiropractic Care
Stop driving your "car" if you suspect it is out of alignment! With more than 450 locations nationwide, daily hours, and no appointment required, it's easy to come on in to The Joint Chiropractic and set yourself straight!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Vancouver, Wash.