How to Overcome Food Temptations
By Sandy Schroeder
As summer moves in, it's time to go shopping, but first it might be nice to lose a few extra pounds. So what's holding everything up? For many of us, food temptations are an ongoing issue when we want to lose a few pounds or hang onto our current weight.
When I read Drs. Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen's recent tips on avoiding temptations, they all checked out. It really is possible to win the battle if you have a plan. Willpower is great, but a solid strategy that kicks in every time can make it happen. Take these steps.
Clear the fridge and the pantry - Oust the chips, cookies and ice cream, replacing them with fresh fruit and veggies, yogurts, nuts, and low-fat cheese. If the rest of your family insists on heavyweight treats, make sure they are stashed somewhere else, out of your sight.
Round up the right recipes - Check sites like for low calorie versions of your favorite pastas, soups and casseroles. Or remodel your favorite recipes with healthy oils, low-fat milk and cheeses and leaner meat or chicken choices.
Pick the right crowd - If you know the people who will opt for pizza and beer on the weekend, pick another spot and head to the gym with a buddy, or go biking or hiking with a different group.
Control your surroundings - Pack daily snacks and lunches for work. If your office is always loaded with boxes of donuts and pizza, keep a full supply of nuts, fruit, trail mix and 1-ounce pieces of 70 percent dark chocolate.
Plan ahead - If you are going to be swamped, on the road, or trapped in meetings, pack lunches, snacks, and even dinner salads with fruit and cheese in a portable cooler bag.
Build on current successes - WeightWatchers used to say, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels," and it is so true. When you slip on those slim new jeans, or look over your shoulder at the new improved you in the mirror, those donuts and burgers will lose a lot of their appeal. Keep posting new pix of yourself and treat yourself to new hats, jewelry or shoes as the pounds begin to drop.
Move the old stuff out - Keeping those old larger sizes in your closet makes it too easy to slide back a size or two as one pizza splurge leads to another. Box them all up and give them away or stash them in another closet.
If you stumble don't give up - OK you may have given in to the Friday night pizza dinner, or joined a friend for double-double burgers. Small breaks here and there won't sabotage your efforts if you move right back into your new food routines. Keep going and savor the results.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Goodyear, Ariz.