Showing You Care Can Promote Better Health
By Tom Herrin
People have all kinds of ways they relate to others. Some are very formal and standoffish, others are the type who like to demonstrate their affection physically. For those who tend to keep their distance, it is worth reconsidering. Physical contact is one of the simplest ways to show affection and concern for others. The human touch can do wonders in showing reassurance and building trust. Far too many people fail to take the steps to show that kind of affection to their children.
The Younger, The Better
It has been found that children can benefit greatly by being hugged and shown physical affection from very early ages. When they are, it seems that they are better able to cope with those things in life that cause stress. Dealing with stress can help anyone be more effective at problem solving as well as maintaining a better and more positive outlook. For those who are around children, it is pretty easy to recognize those who have been shown affection and those who have not.
Hugging Can Make People Feel Good
It does not require much of an expert to know that hugs make people have a better outlook. It simply makes them feel good about the world around them. Hugging a child or other family member, before they go out for the day, can provide a great start for that day. As they meet and deal with those challenges that face them each day, they will no doubt have more confidence in themselves and their ability to successfully solve problems. They will also be more likely to accept more difficult challenges.
It May Lower Blood Pressure
The effects of the human touch are very difficult to duplicate. It seems to have an almost magical way of improving some feelings about oneself. With our own children, or other relatives, we can make a difference in their lives by giving them that same simple hug. It seems to send the message that whatever they do is recognized to be a great effort. It has been proven that hugs can relieve stress which can be a good start for helping to fix plenty of other things.
Hugging, especially someone we love, is such a small and simple action but has extraordinary benefits. If you're not a hugger, you should give serious consideration to wrapping your arms around the idea.
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