Some Fat Is Healthy
By Tom Herrin
Most of us see fat as something that is undesirable. When we look in the mirror, we may not always like what we find. If our clothes don't seem to complement us as we think they should, we may blame body fat. Fat has long been seen as something that belongs to those who are unmotivated. This is not necessarily the case. Body fat can be a problem, but some of it may be due to any of a variety of factors. For the most part, it is the storage of some kind of excess carbs. Fat has a lot of other purposes as well.
Fat May Be Good for Us
Some fat actually is needed. There are parts of our bodies that require some fat to be healthy. One of these is the brain. If it doesn't have fat, there is something wrong with it. Other parts of the body that require fat are nerves and bone marrow. Fat is helpful in regulating body temperature and balancing blood sugar and hormones. Some of our organs have fat surrounding them to act as a cushion.
Belly Fat Is Not So Good
Most of us know that when we see belly fat it is a sign of poor health. It is mostly a kind of white fat that may cause some serious health hazards. It may contribute to strokes, heart disease, arterial disease, and some kinds of organ failure. In some instances, it may be associated with some types of diabetes. It is also believed to cause some types of cancer.
How Does Dietary Fat Relate to Weight Gain?
Some people think that consuming fat may cause us to gain weight. As stated earlier, excess body fat is largely due to storage of carbs. When we take in more than we can burn, we end up storing it. This is different from protein which does not store. It must be replaced frequently. The fat we eat is considered to be stored energy from an animal. If we are into heavy activity, we may burn it up. Some of the diets that are promoted are based on eating foods that are high in fat and low in carbs. They are designed to force the body to use fat as a source of energy instead of carbs. Some people swear by these diets.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Oceanside, Calif.