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Nappers May Have the Right Idea to Protect Health

By Tom Herrin

People should not be judged too soon because of what they are perceived to be doing.  Since today's society is so full of those who seem to be trying to squeeze in every minute they can, people often end up cutting into the time they should be sleeping in order to pursue some other activities.  No matter how worthwhile, it is not too wise to go without adequate sleep.  It can do considerable damage to health.  On the other hand, a nap may be all it takes for someone to turn things around in their favor.  They don't even have to be long naps.  A short nap may do a lot.

It May Help Prevent Overeating

When people lack sleep, they may eat too much without realizing it.  According to a study conducted by Stanford University, lack of sleep can increase production of the hormone gherkin.  This makes people want to eat more.  Lack of sleep also lowers the levels of the hormone leptin.  This hormone lets people know when they are full.  When they are working right, they are a good combination.  If they are not, it is easy to overeat.  A nap can help to make up for some of this and may help to maintain weight more effectively.

It May Lessen the Chance of Some Chronic Illnesses

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a study it conducted found that people who slept fewer than six hours per night had a greater chance of developing some serious chronic illnesses.  These may include diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. That lack of sleep may also increase stress.  A nap may be a simple way to get that sleep and put people back on track to enjoying better health.

It May Make You Easier to Live with

According to information from the Journal for Applied Social Psychology, when people don't sleep enough, they are unable to exercise good judgement in dealing with others.  Prejudices may be pronounced.  We have likely all had the experience of waking up on the wrong side of the bed, or being around someone who had.  A nap may be one of the best ways to avoid this problem.  Even if we find that we cannot get a good night's sleep, we can make a point of working in a good nap for our health and the health of our relationships.  A few short minutes may do a great deal.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Kennesaw, Ga.

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