Staying Fit Through Back Pain Recovery Is Possible!
By Stepy Kamei
When you're dealing with a bad bout of back pain, exercising will probably seem like the last thing you want to do. There's definitely something to be said for getting adequate amounts of rest and relaxation as you recover from this common health issue, but even if you don't realize this, light to moderate exercise can have a positive impact on your health as you recover, as long as it's the right kind of exercise. The key thing to remember is to find a healthy balance between resting your back and giving it enough appropriate exercise so you can find relief and recover from back pain at a safe pace. When practicing these safe exercises between sessions of chiropractic adjustments, you may notice a great improvement in how you get through each day.
Opt For Low-Intensity Exercises
Obviously, you shouldn't immediately force yourself to go for miles-long runs every day; rather, you'll want to ease slowly into a safe exercise routine. Many chiropractors recommend their patients try power walking, light jogging, or cycling as they recover from back pain. These exercises are low-impact, so they won't strain your muscles too much. You can always set the pace for these exercises and stop the instant you feel any discomfort. Also look for safe exercises which tone your core muscles, since these play a big part in supporting your spine.
Resitance Training Is Helpful
You also want to make sure you're conditioning your muscles and strengthening them, but at a slow yet steady pace for optimum recovery. One of the best exercises to achieve this goal is through going swimming. You've no doubt noticed how much harder it is to walk through water as opposed to on the ground. This type of natural resistance is gentle enough for people with back pain, yet effective enough to slowly condition the muscles and joints of the body.
Be sure to stick with the best exercises to help you get through back pain so you don't end up overstraining the muscles in your back and spine, and you may notice a big difference in the amount of discomfort you feel. Combined with chiropractic spinal adjustments, these exercises can really improve your health. Consult with a chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic clinics today -- no appointment needed -- to learn more about how you can improve your back pain, not to mention your overall physical and mental health, in a natural and safe holistic manner.