Signs You Are Moving Too Little
By Sandy Schroeder
Most of us know we should be more active, but it's easy to ignore the signs that we should do something about it.
Real says 1 in 4 adults do not meet the global standards for physical activity. When you consider how much we all sit, and how exercise is often skipped, it's time to get serious.
Experts recommend moving at least five minutes after an hour of inactivity. That seems like a very easy standard to meet, but if you consider how many of us sit in one position for hours, it is realistic.
Here are the signs to watch for.
You fall short of global health standards - You need to exercise moderately for 150 to 300 minutes per week or login in 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous exercise.
Your waking hours are inactive - If you sleep 8 hours and are awake 16, ask yourself how many of those hours are spent moving? If over half of them are spent sitting, you need a new plan.
You are tired most of the time - When you are not moving enough your muscles, lungs and heart slow down too. If you start to move again you will feel the difference as you regain energy. It does not take much. Regular 20-minute sessions will energize you and your body.
Weight and metabolism are impacted - As you slow down, you may be adding pounds and changing your metabolism. Cut out the burgers and pizza and increase the fruits and veggies. A good diet paired with more activity will improve everything.
You may feel out of breath - If you are sitting more than five hours a day and moving very little, everything that you do may feel tiring. Take the hint and gradually increase your activities. If you are winded, you are risking stroke or a heart attack.
You may not be sleeping well - Too much TV and too little activity can impact the quality of your sleep too. Get outside and get moving. The fresh air and brisk walks will help you sleep better too and strengthen your immune system.
If everything points to a need for more activity, check in with your doctor and start working on a plan for daily exercise that gets you moving in the morning and keeps you moving all day. Enjoy the difference.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Chicago, Ill.